
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Melanie's Sealing/Wedding

We had a bonfire the night before

The San Diego Temple, simply beautiful.

Trevor and April, Melanie and Brandon, Kim and Chris and Stuart
Together forever
sealed for all time and eternity

Together forever
sealed for all time and eternity
Our blessed eternal family at the San Diego temple.Brooklynn, Brendan, and Lauren at the temple. The girls look so cute in their white dresses, and Brendan couldn't have been more handsome that day. They loved the temple.
Brooklynn and Lauren where flower girls and Brendan was an escort.
Then the party got started that night!

Lauren, mom, Aunt Mel, and Aunt Kim all smiles!
Dancing Feet..
Dad and Mel can't get enough,
Dad can move it!!

1 comment:

dastew said...

Trev, I found your blog. Looks like fun, I'm happy for Mel.